The Legacy of Fear: How the Shadow of Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Shaped Kenya's Political Landscape In the annals of Kenya's political history, the events of 1969 stand out as a defining moment marked by fear, coercion, and manipulation. The political tension surrounding Jaramogi Oginga Odinga's candidature led to a series of oath-taking ceremonies in Gatundu that forever altered the fabric of Kenyan society. Understanding this historical context is crucial, especially when contemporary politicians attempt to invoke these dark chapters for political gain. The Fear of Jaramogi and the Birth of the Gatundu Oath The roots of the infamous Gatundu oath can be traced back to the fear and propaganda surrounding Jaramogi Oginga Odinga, the former vice-president and then-leader of the opposition. By 1969, the political landscape in Kenya was charged with tension. The assassination of Cabinet Minister Tom Mboya on 5th July 1969 had already set a volatile backdrop. Within this context, Pr...
Do you like the song 'Nwa Baby Ashawo' by Flavour?
If you're a fan of the song Nwa Baby Ashawo by Flavour, then the first thing you probably know is that you're not peculiar. The song has taken Africans by storm, and is receiving massive airplay in clubs and radio stations across most of the cities I have visited in East Africa.
If you thought you'd had enough, and escape home for some peace and quiet, think again; it's all over TV as well. So what is it with this song? Why is it so popular? And why can't we seem to get away from it? Well, the first clue really lies in the lyrics. Sample them below and tell me what you think...
Nwa baby, nye me fege (7x) – Baby Girl give me your vagina
Nwa baby, o kwa Nabania - baby Girl, is this night u will give me
I don hammer no be small, now it's time to chop moneySomebody say Nabania – someone say it will happen this night
Na takwa ne fe omo wania – please lest chop money and enjoy
See the girls them plenty
Waka waka baby (oh yeah), wuru – walk about baby
Wuru baby (oh yeah) -
I go tell my mama, (oh yeah) I go – l will tell my mama
Tell my papa (oh yeah) - l will tell my Papa
And I go tell am say (oh yeah) - and l will tell them say
You be waka waka baby (oh yeah) – you are walk about Girl
You be wuru wuru baby (oh yeah) – you are cheating me Girl
Corner corner baby (oh yeah)
Sango sango baby (oh yeah) – you are not straight forward girl
Para rara baby (oh yeah) – l don’t really trust you baby
Oh baby sawaley - Baby open the vagina for me to enter
Sawa sawa sawaley (2x) Open, Open, Open,
Ashawo - Harlot
Kpokpotom kpomkpom, kporokotom - it means nothing but just sound
Kpomkpom (2x)
Kpakolo kpa (3x), kpomkpom
Ojari kpokpo, ukwu nwa baby – Woman Vagina, Woman waist
Achukwu rege, kpom kpom – Shake ur waist, shake it well
Ashawo, awusha – Prostitute - Harlot
Awusha, ashawo – Prostitute - Harlot
Ashawo, awusha, kpom kpom
Eh eh eh eh eh eh, kpom kpom
Oh baby Sawaley
Sawa Sawa Sawaley (2x)
Nwa baby, nye me fege (7x) – Baby Girl give me your Vagina (7X)
Nwa baby, wa Nabania – Baby girl you will give it to me this night
Na soso walka I come dey go – all the time l move about
Everywhere I go, anai ti fe - anywhere l go, l eat money, also eat Woman vagina
All my guys where una dey – all my friends that are there
From here to saloon hotel – we all move from hair Saloon to Hotel
See the girls them plenty – we see so many girls
Waka waka baby (oh yeah), wuru – they all moving around us, but they all are fake
Wuru baby (oh yeah)
I go tell my mama, (oh yeah) I go
Tell my papa (oh yeah)
And I go tell am say (oh yeah) You be waka waka baby (oh yeah)You be wuru wuru baby (oh yeah) –
Corner corner baby (oh yeah)
Sango sango baby (oh yeah)
Para rara baby (oh yeah)
Oh baby sawaley
Sawa sawa sawaley (2x)
Kpokpotom kpomkpom, kporokotom kpomkpom (2x)
Kpakolo kpa (3x), kpomkpom
Ojari kpokpo, ukwu nwa baby
Achukwu rege, kpom kpom
Ashawo, awusha
Awusha, ashawo
Ashawo, awusha, kpom kpom
Eh eh eh eh eh eh, kpom kpom
Oh baby Sawa lele
Sawa Sawa Sawale (2x)
Ala de no de, no de - there are different types of female breast
Ala ala de no de, de no de, Ala, we know they there are different types of breast
Ema na ala de no de, no de
Ala ala de no de, de no de, Ala
Ala mama - if the female breast is fine
Wera kagi ji de a ala - l will hold it with my hand
Ala mama - if the breast is fine and standing
Wero noge me jaya ala – l will use my mouth and suck it