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Showing posts with the label Siku za mwizi ni 40


[VIDEO]: Police in Juja Caught on Camera Collecting Bribes

In Kenya, the trust between citizens and law enforcement has been tarnished by persistent allegations of corruption within the police force. Despite efforts to address this issue, recent incidents have shed light on the deep-rooted nature of the problem, leaving many questioning the integrity of the institution tasked with upholding justice and protecting the public. According to a survey conducted by the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC), a staggering eight out of every ten Kenyans perceive the National Police Service (NPS) to be corrupt in its service delivery. This perception underscores a systemic issue that not only undermines the rule of law but also erodes public trust in the government's ability to combat crime effectively. The prevalence of corruption within Kenya Police is not confined to isolated incidents but permeates various aspects of law enforcement, from traffic stops to criminal investigations. In many cases, officers have been accused of soliciting bri

BREAKING NEWS: Bishop Wanjiru loses Starehe parlimentary seat

Stealing elections just to end up bankrupt: the financiual agony of losing a parliamentary seat

HABARI ZA KUVUNJIKA: Dick Wathika loses Makadara seat

HABARI ZA KUVUNJIKA: Betty Murungi quits TJRC (and this time she's gone for good!)

HABARI ZA KUVUNJIKA: PNU Chief Whip George Thuo loses Parliamentary seat

Law binds Kibaki to hand over suspects to ICC

Neither Kibaki nor Odinga are above ICC

ICC to investigate 20 suspects (aka thug masterminds of post election violence)

Ocampo coming to Kenya in May

Justice, at last!

ICC clears Ocampo to prosecute the 20 thug masterminds of Kenya's post-election violence

The sequence of the civilian coup in Kenya on December 30, 2007

Kibaki as gulty as Taylor & Saddam

End of the road: Are we about to see the resolution of impunity in Kenya?

STOP PRESS: Annan hands over names of poll violence suspects to The Hague

Obama invites Kenyans' comments on Ghana tour

Moaning about Annan won’t bring the justice we crave


Our enemy is not famine, it’s our leaders

The Hague is becming inceasingly inescpable

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