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Where the Hell is Moses Kuria?

It seems Moses Kuria, the man of many portfolios, embarked on a whirlwind adventure through the halls of government, only to find himself in a comedic conundrum. Starting off strong as the Cabinet Secretary for Investments, Trade, and Industry, he was the talk of the town. But alas, fate had other plans. In a twist fit for a sitcom, Kuria found himself shuffled over to the Public Service portfolio faster than you can say "bureaucratic shuffle". Then, the plot thickened! In a classic case of diplomatic drama, the US Trade Representative, Katherine Tai, decided to give Kuria a cold shoulder after cancelling not one, but two meetings with him. The reason? His "foul mouth". Oh, the irony! It seems even the most seasoned politicians can't escape the wrath of a sharp tongue. Since then, Kuria has seemingly vanished into thin air, keeping a low profile that would make even Bigfoot jealous. Rumour has it he's taken up residence in a cozy cave somewhere, pondering th

Moi encounters hostile crowd in Aldai

All I can say is that Moi should have known better and laid "low like an envelope." He is now seeing things that he has never seen before in his life.

Moi turned up at a fundraising function in Aldai constituency only to be greeted by chants of “ODM! ODM!”

Tempers flared and the crowd got worked up when area MP Jimmy Choge ordered them not to vote for Raila Odinga in the Presidential race.

When Moi stood up to address them, he directed them to raise the one finger Kanu salute. But only a handful did so, while most of the crowd stubbornly kept their hands down. Still, Moi chastized the crowd, adding that they would "deeply regret supporting ODM blindly."

Former nominated MP Ezekiel Bargentuny criticized the crowd, accusing them of being hired to embarrass the former President.

Realizing that his hard stance was getting nowhere with the charged crowd, Moi then pleaded with them to vote for Kibaki so that the Kalenjin community could be included in the next government.


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