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There's a Deeper Level to this Conversation: As You Tear At Each Other About Who's Sponsoring the Gen Z Protests, or Even if They're Sponsored at All, Watch These Three Videos and Let Me Know What You Think...

The Legacy of Fear: How the Shadow of Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Shaped Kenya's Political Landscape In the annals of Kenya's political history, the events of 1969 stand out as a defining moment marked by fear, coercion, and manipulation. The political tension surrounding Jaramogi Oginga Odinga's candidature led to a series of oath-taking ceremonies in Gatundu that forever altered the fabric of Kenyan society. Understanding this historical context is crucial, especially when contemporary politicians attempt to invoke these dark chapters for political gain. The Fear of Jaramogi and the Birth of the Gatundu Oath The roots of the infamous Gatundu oath can be traced back to the fear and propaganda surrounding Jaramogi Oginga Odinga, the former vice-president and then-leader of the opposition. By 1969, the political landscape in Kenya was charged with tension. The assassination of Cabinet Minister Tom Mboya on 5th July 1969 had already set a volatile backdrop. Within this context, Pr...

The rantings and ravings of a fed-up Kenyan

This is a message to all, especially our brothers and sisters from Mt. Kenya, who still seem to imagine they DON'T know why their man is being rejected by the rest of Kenya...

Take clear note Raila is a product of Kibaki's failure to keep his word. You guys from Central Province believe that all other Kenyans are silly and do not deserve the national cake. You assume that the House of Mumbi should be the only property owners and the other Kenyans should be consumers and servants.

Your guys should have known better that four years of Kibaki's rule consigned all Kenyans, except Mt. Kenyans, to the periphery, both economically and politically. Your man failed to practice equal justice, hence the current rejection.

Kibaki fired the people who made him president in the mistaken belief that he would just deceive Kenyans to vote for him again. He rewarded non-Kikuyu friends with nonexistent ministries such as Public Service, East African Corporation, Immigration and other weak ministries he created for non-Kikuyus. Important ministries such as Finance, Education, Constitutional Affairs, etc., have sons and daughters of Mumbi as heads. This arrangement is designed to boost Kikuyus academically and financially while disregarding all other Kenyans.

Who bought Kengen if I may ask? The scheme by Kibaki is evil at best. it is meant to subjugate and marginalize non-Kikuyus politically, economically and intellectually. Thank God Kenyans saw through your schemes before you went far!

Sample this:

Scholarships from the government and China in the last four years favoured Mt. Kenyans more than all other Kenyans – ask Mutua [Govt Spokesman] to publish the list.

Kenya Revenue Authority - from the fleas in the offices to the the head of Kenya Revenue Authorithy are from Central Province. Scheme: collect money and pass on some of it to Mt. Kenyans.

Most PCs, DCs, DOs and police chiefs in Rift Valley, Nyanza, etc., are from Mt. Kenya. Scheme: suppress and subjugate government critics in these areas, given that people in these regions are marginalized already.

In New York, The Kenyan Ambassador to the UN, Mr. Zachariah Dominic Mburi-Muita, recently got Kikuyus from Kenya and in the last 6 months alone hired 15 of them as Locals. You get to that office and it is all Kikuyus, some have no offices and work from the corridors. Kukuyu Language has become the official language in the Kenyan Mission to the UN. Get there and it is all Kikuyus. No wonder Kenyans and international bodies are tired of them. People suffer from what has come to be known as "The Kikuyu fatigue".

Constitution: Kibaki told Kenyans that The Bomas of Kenya Draft Constitution was the best for Kenya and promised that it would become Kenya Constitution 100 days after his inauguration. He never Kept the promise. He tried to unilaterally write another constitution favoring his cronies and kin, and it was CERTAINLY defeated at the Referendum. How would anyone trust him when he promises heaven in his campaigns? How about the MOU? The instrument that was used to CON Kenyans into voting him into power! Matere Keriri recently confessed that it was a scheme to get "us" into power. HOW CAN ANYONE TRUST A WORD FROM THIS MAN'S MOUTH?

If Kibaki is not giving Mt. Kenyans money to invest in businesses and buy government corporations, he is busy bribing non-Kikuyus with districts which are not self-sustaining, if not colleges and university campuses which in reality do not belong to the locals.

How about the Anglo-Leasing debacle? Has anyone forgotten that billions were stolen and Kibaki, according former PS John Githongo, knows exactly where the money went?

Kibaki has always boasted of economic growth. How can it happen without people benefiting? The ordinary guy in the village cannot afford sugar and bread. The prices of these items, which most Kenyans survive on, have more than doubled since 2002. These two are made from locally raised crops and yet they are very expensive. What does economic growth mean when the ordinary bread and sugar are luxuries to many Kenyans?

And now the MOTHER of them all: have you ever wondered WHY kuyos will never support anyone other than one of their own? Think back….TRY AS HARD to recall such an instance…pole! Can see you are getting a headache because HAKUNA… all the way from independence! Moi in all his years ruled without Mt. Kenyan support and votes, YET everyone else, at one point or another, has SUPPORTED and VOTED for you. The late Odinga started off with Kenyatta, and we thought after so many years, you have now learnt and now ready to jumuika na wakenya wengine, ndio we trooped in the thousands and voted in Kibaki, lakini lo! Enough is enough - you should never blame Kenyans if they NEVER EVER elect your ilk into office again… at least in the next few generations. SAHAU KABISA!


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