NAIROBI - A diplomatic row is brewing between Kenya and Nigeria following the arrest and detention of a Nigerian man in the middle of a property rift with his Kenyan wife.
The Nigerian High Commission is expected to write a protest letter to the ministry of Foreign Affairs against what officials say is an attempt by individuals using the police to drive out the national to pamper their own interest. The Nigerian man is embroiled in a multi-million shilling estate tussle with his estranged Kenyan wife. Sources in the Nigerian High Commission, who did not want to be named for protocol reasons, said that the mission was disappointed by the actions of the police, who have in the past one week, harassed the Nigerian without coming up with any tangible case against him. The embassy officials also pointed a finger at a former MP and assistant minister for being behind the harassment of their national for personal reasons.
His propertyThe former legislator from Western Province
(whom we can now name as Raphael "Tams, Tams" Wanjala) is in a love relationship with the Nigerian’s wife and is believed to be at the centre of the separation of the couple. “If the worst comes to the worst, he should be given a chance to pursue his divorce in court and get a fair settlement. It will not be fair to push him out and deny him access to his property,” said one of the Nigerian commission’s officials. The embassy is expected to release a formal statement on the issue later on Monday. The Nigerian was picked up by police from the Anti Narcotics Unit last week and taken to the CID headquarters at Mazingira House. He was to be held there the whole day only to be transferred to Central Police station in Nairobi where he spent the night in the cells. The following day, the Nigerian was taken to Nyayo House where he was held at the offices of the Immigration Department on the seventh floor for the whole day. In the evening, he was driven to Kileleshwa police station where he spent the night, again in cells. The following day, the Nigerian was picked up again and driven to Nyayo House, where he was held until 5pm when he was released.
The release only came after his lawyer obtained a court injunction barring the police from holding him until they have a case. Officers who arrested and held the Nigerian say they are seeking to deport him because he “is suspected of dealing in drugs”. A senior officer in the unit’s hierarchy said: “His name has featured prominently in the past and we suspect he is dealing in drugs and we had proposed that he is deported.”
Their two childrenThe officer, however, did not explain why they did not wish to prosecute the man in Kenya if he is suspected of doing drugs in the country. At some point during the detention of the man, police are reported to have visited the Nigerian High commission’s offices to seek authority to deport him, but were reportedly told off by the officials. The Nigerian’s tribulations are centred on a property valued at about Sh350 million and their two children.
The 38-year-old Nigerian, who has invested in Kenya, says the former assistant minister was responsible for the break of his family and manoeuvres to dispossess him of the wealth he has worked for so long to amass. “I know someone, probably my wife, and her new lover, are using the police to get rid of me so they can take over my property,” he said. The drama that has changed the man’s fortunes reportedly began when he paid a visit to his home country last December.
Caught fireWhile he was away, a resort he runs in Nairobi caught fire under mysterious circumstances. During the explosion at the resort, a bed and other items in a single room were destroyed during the night incident, but the fire did not spread to the larger section of the restaurant where a show was being held. And just around the same time, the Nigerian received a call from one of his servants that some man had taken over his home in Lavington. The man turned out to be the former MP Wanjala. Later, the wife confirmed that indeed she was romantically involved with the former MP. “I know him and he is my boy friend. We have been going out for months now, but that is only after that man (the husband) disappeared,” said 24 year old Akinyi. When the Nigerian flew back to Kenya late last month, the wife had vacated the home, locked it up and assigned six more guards at the gate in addition to the one he had employed.
Usual watchman“I was shocked to find six Maasais at my gate, my usual watchman was also there though and I knew I was not lost,” the bitter man said. He picked up his phone and called his wife of 10 years
(he "married" her at 14?), then the bombshell came. “I told her I am back in the country and her reaction was shocking. She asked “What for?” Between them they have a home in the leafy Lavington and an about to be completed estate within the same Lavington vicinity. The couple also has two houses in Jacaranda estate in Eastlands.
And we're talking of Sh350m (roughly N700m!). No...no...HELL NO! Someone's gotta die.
The Kenyan govt better resolve this case and settle my countryman fast. I'd hate to think of the consequences. A Kenyan trying to swindle a NIGERIAN?! Wonders shall never end.