I know people don't like this subject. But we must confront it, right now, with our eyes open to prevent total chaos and, more importantly, total heartache from happening on November 4th.
ES&S iVotronics touch screens have already been observed now in four completely separate States, flipping the votes, in the early voting that has taken place to date. Eye-witness reports of repeated, consistent flipping of votes (from Obama to McCain naturally) has already occurred in the States of: West Virginia, Tennessee, Missouri, and Texas that have had early voting. Missouri, of course, is a key background State in McCain's electoral vote math.
These are not "glitches".
This is also not the result of just "one faulty machine".
How about some straight-talk:
Fact: This is not a "glitch".
Fact: This is not a one machine problem.
Fact: This is not a one State problem.
Fact: This is not a one Election problem.
Fact: This is neither a "theory", nor speculation. It's real.
Fact: The Democratic candidate is getting their (would be) votes systematically stolen.
It's been the ES&S iVotronic touch-screen machines that have failed, flipping votes from one candidate to another not chosen by the voter. In virtually every instance, it's been an attempted Democratic vote, that has flipped to a Republican, or been flipped another party (third party candidate).
These are the exact same machines that lost 18,000 votes in Democratic-leaning Sarasota County in the 2006 U.S. House Race for Katherine Harris' old seat. The Democrat, Christine Jennings, was declared the loser to Republican Vern Buchanan (whose own wife had trouble voting for him that day), by just 369 votes. 18,000 votes were lost (not even counted).
These machines should be taken out of service now, impounded and quarantined immediately, and every voter needs to demand, and be given, a paper ballot where these machines are currently being used.
The most recent report from Texas early voting:
At least two Palo Pinto County residents say they experienced early voting problems when the touch-screen voting machines they used kept switching their straight-party vote from Democratic to Republican.
"When I cast an early vote [Wednesday] at Palo Pinto County Courthouse, my vote was switched from Democrat to Republican right in front of my face - twice!" reported Lona Jones, a Precinct 1 county resident.
Intending to vote straight party on the Democratic ticket, Jones said she was surprised Wednesday when the electronic voting machine "on the left as you face the machines" in the courthouse basement asked her if she wanted to cast her vote for a straight Republican ticket.
Thinking she had pushed the wrong button the first time the machine "came up Republican," Jones said she repeated her intended straight-party vote.
"The second time I was sure to just touch the Democratic button," she said, further reporting that the machine responded to her selection, "'Do you want to change your Republican straight ticket vote to a Democratic vote?' I pressed, 'Yes,' then it came back up and it was a total Republican ticket again."
"One of the ladies told me, 'These machines don't work well' and, 'These machines give us problems.' I told her I not only didn't want to use that machine, [indicating the problematic first machine], I didn't want anyone using that machine."
Teresa Crosier, an alternate election judge and office manager of the Palo Pinto County Democratic Headquarters, called Jones to remind her to vote early.
"She told me she had already voted and had problems," said Crosier. "She told me her story and I told her I had the same problem Wednesday morning."
Like Jones, Crosier tried to cast a straight party Democratic vote at the courthouse annex, "and it came up straight party, Republican party."
Crosier recognized her election trainer, who was helping to monitor the polls, and called him over. "We went back through the process and it did it again," she said of the third.Who here knows people at the Obama Campaign Headquarters and can alert them and their legal staff about these problems? Neither the Obama Campaign nor the DNC has taken any preemptive action to educate the public about this, or prevent it from happening to begin with (i.e., demanding that these machines be taken out of service).
So, just what do you expect thern will happen when the avalanche of tens of millions of voters across the Country turn out on November 4th and try to vote?
More reports coming in from Missouri:
Just wanted to let you know that Missourians for Honest Elections is in the process of confirming five separate reports of vote flipping --- from Democrat to Republican --- on the iVotronic machines that are the only means the Board of Elections is providing for in-person absentee voting at its headquarters in Maplewood [St. Louis County, MO].
--Cynthia RichardsSomebody please alert the Obama Campaign Managers about this!
There is still time to take action before November 4th and avoid the chaos and corrupted official voting results that will occur here.
We let them do this in 2004.
We cannot let them do this yet again in 2008.
For the full report, see:
iVotronics Touch Screens FLIP your votes