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There's a Deeper Level to this Conversation: As You Tear At Each Other About Who's Sponsoring the Gen Z Protests, or Even if They're Sponsored at All, Watch These Three Videos and Let Me Know What You Think...

The Legacy of Fear: How the Shadow of Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Shaped Kenya's Political Landscape In the annals of Kenya's political history, the events of 1969 stand out as a defining moment marked by fear, coercion, and manipulation. The political tension surrounding Jaramogi Oginga Odinga's candidature led to a series of oath-taking ceremonies in Gatundu that forever altered the fabric of Kenyan society. Understanding this historical context is crucial, especially when contemporary politicians attempt to invoke these dark chapters for political gain. The Fear of Jaramogi and the Birth of the Gatundu Oath The roots of the infamous Gatundu oath can be traced back to the fear and propaganda surrounding Jaramogi Oginga Odinga, the former vice-president and then-leader of the opposition. By 1969, the political landscape in Kenya was charged with tension. The assassination of Cabinet Minister Tom Mboya on 5th July 1969 had already set a volatile backdrop. Within this context, Pr

The Puppet and The Puppeteer: How William Ruto Exploited the Kikuyu Community and Rigathi Gachagua's Downfall

In the labyrinth of Kenyan politics, the saga between President William Ruto and Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua is a textbook example of political manipulation.

Ruto’s ascent to power saw him skillfully exploit the Kikuyu community's insecurities and vulnerabilities and use Gachagua as a pawn to secure the presidency. Now, as Ruto consolidates power, Gachagua finds himself discarded, isolated, and struggling to regain relevance.

The Strategy: Divide and Conquer
William Ruto’s path to the presidency was marked by a shrewd strategy to divide the Kikuyu electorate, historically loyal to Uhuru Kenyatta. ("Mûthamaki witû"!)
Uhuru's second term saw growing discontent among Kikuyus, who faced disillusionment, "experiencing" phantom economic hardships and perceived governance failures. Sensing an opportunity, Ruto presented himself as a populist alternative, promising economic revival and political inclusion. But really, the fallout was about the runaway corruption of the then deputy president. Remember that time Uhuru announced to a shocked nation that the country was losing an eye-watering KSh 2 billion PER DAY to corruption? Who do you think he was fingering? But above all, Kikuyus were livid because of Uhuru's handshake with Raila, the Kikuyu nation's public enemy number one, and were out to punish their Mutongoria.

Ruto’s approach was simple yet effective: alienate the Kikuyus from Uhuru by painting him as disconnected from their struggles while cavorting with the enemy. This tactic was amplified through grassroots campaigns and targeted messaging, which resonated with many Kikuyus feeling "left behind" by Kenyatta’s administration.

Rigathi Gachagua: The Ideal Pawn
Rigathi Gachagua, a relatively unknown figure with a contentious past, was an unexpected but perfect ally for Ruto. Gachagua’s animosity towards Kenyatta, stemming from a high-profile arrest on corruption charges, made him a willing participant in Ruto’s plan. His populist appeal and fiery rhetoric endeared him to a segment of the Kikuyu electorate disillusioned with Kenyatta’s leadership.

Ruto’s selection of Gachagua as his running mate was a calculated move to exploit this dissatisfaction. Gachagua’s role was to mobilise Kikuyu support by stoking anti-Kenyatta sentiments, thereby consolidating votes for Ruto.
The 2022 Elections: A Manipulative Victory
The 2022 elections were a turning point. Ruto’s campaign, fuelled by promises of economic transformation and political empowerment, struck a chord with many Kikuyus. Gachagua’s aggressive campaigning and populist messaging played a crucial role in swaying the electorate.

Ruto’s victory was a masterclass in political manipulation. He had successfully leveraged Gachagua’s influence to secure the Kikuyu vote, thereby clinching the presidency. However, once in power, Ruto’s true intentions became clear. Gachagua, having served his purpose, was sidelined and marginalised within the administration.

Gachagua’s Political Isolation
Post-election, Gachagua’s political influence waned rapidly. His initial prominence faded as Ruto consolidated power and surrounded himself with loyalists. Gachagua’s attempts to exert influence within the administration were largely ineffective, and his role was reduced to that of a figurehead.

Desperation led Gachagua to attempt a reconciliation with the Kenyattas. Recent statements blaming unnamed forces for tricking the Kikuyu community into opposing Uhuru reveal Gachagua’s efforts to rewrite history and mend fences. However, these claims are hollow, given his active role in the anti-Kenyatta campaign.

Ruto’s Next Move: A New Ally in Anne Waiguru?
As the 2027 elections approach, Ruto appears to be shifting his strategy. Speculation suggests that Kirinyaga Governor Anne Waiguru may be his next running mate. Waiguru, a seasoned politician with a robust support base, represents a more strategic choice for Ruto, aiming to secure broader Kikuyu support and sideline Gachagua.

This move underscores Ruto’s ongoing manipulation of the Kikuyu community, continuously dangling the promise of political power to maintain their support. The Kikuyu electorate, known for their political pragmatism, now faces a critical decision: to see through Ruto’s machinations or fall for the same promises again.

The Kikuyu Community’s Political Future
The Kikuyu community stands at a crossroads. Historically adept at navigating political currents, they must now contend with the reality of Ruto’s manipulative tactics and Gachagua’s apparent betrayal. The allure of the deputy presidency has been a recurring theme, but its effectiveness as a political carrot is increasingly questionable.

The community’s political future hinges on their ability to demand genuine leadership and accountability. The 2027 elections will test the Kikuyu electorate’s political maturity and their capacity to learn from past experiences.

A Lesson in Political Machinations
The relationship between William Ruto and Rigathi Gachagua is a cautionary tale of political exploitation. It underscores the dangers of personal vendettas, the perils of political naivety, and the ruthless nature of power politics. As Gachagua grapples with his diminished role, the Kikuyu community must reflect on their political strategy and demand leaders who truly represent their interests.
In the end, the future of the Kikuyu community’s political influence lies in their hands. Will they continue to be pawns in the larger game of Kenyan politics, or will they rise to demand genuine leadership and accountability? The answer to this question will shape the political landscape of Kenya for years to come.


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